LJNDawson.com, Consulting to the Book Publishing Industry
Book Publishing Industry Consultant

The Green Press Initiative

With the recent announcement of Random House's commitment to using more recycled paper in its Stateside printing presses, we got curious about just who else in the industry is involved in the Green Press Initiative and found a short but healthy list of participants including:Lantern Books, Harvard University Press, Houghton Mifflin, Scholastic, Square One Publishing, and the Association of American Publishers.

According to the GPI website:
"The paper industry is the largest consumer of forests in the Southern US, currently logging an estimated 5 million acres of forests (an area the size of New Jersey) each year.

75% of the tree plantations established in the last 20 years have been established at the expense of natural forests.

Tree plantations host about 90 percent fewer species than the forests that preceded them  and require the use of toxic herbicides and fertilizers.

The Southern US, which contains the most biologically diverse forests in North America is the largest paper-producing region in the world.

Rural communities where the paper industry is concentrated are economically worse off than other rural communities, experiencing higher levels of poverty and unemployment and lower expenditures on public education."

Major applause for those publishers who've already taken measures to step up to the enviromental plate, and a nudge to those who've not yet done so.

To learn more about the Green Press Initiative, visit their website.
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