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Department of Holy Shit

Managing Joy

This week at the ECPA Executive Leadership Summit, Kelly Gallagher of Bowker reported that over a million ISBNs were produced in the last year.

I remember when the entire content of Books in Print was less than a million titles. That was 20 years ago.

Much of this is due to format proliferation, where the supply chain requires a separate ISBN for every format of a title, including digital formats. So the fact that an ISBN needs to be assigned to the Kindle format, and another ISBN to the Overdrive ePub file, and another ISBN to the Apple ePub file, and yet another ISBN to the PDF…yes, you can see how the ISBNs pile up.

And much of this is due to self-publishing – more people are publishing more books than ever before, because the barrier to entry in the book market has significantly gone done..

While many are ripping their hair out over metadata and identifier bloat in the supply chain – and yes, it IS worth ripping your hair out about – I would argue that a million ISBNs in the last year is a sign of something very very good. Something that many amazing people (Ramy Habeeb of Kotobarabia, Arthur Attwell of Electric Book Works, Pablo Francisco Arrieta) have been working towards.

A million ISBNs in the last year means that more books are available in more formats to more people than ever before.

It means that more books have the chance to get into more hands the world over than ever before in the history of books or hands.

And sure, a lot of these books are not going to last. Most of them, I’d say. But the point is, words and ideas have flooded the marketplace in an unprecedented way. We are living in an intensely creative time. And that is a cause for joy.

On a practical level…

How’re we going to manage all this joy?

Same way we manage everything else – with tools. We’ve got databases to handle metadata and identifiers. We’ve got XML tools to manage formats. We’ve got digital asset management systems to manage pictures and sound files and video files. We’ve got XML repositories and XML editors to manage words.

And with people. People who are passionate about (and creating order out of all this chaotic joy). People about ,a xhref="http://twitter.com/bsandusky">getting work discovered. People about – and people about . People who and . People who can by saying, ;

And people who can and begin to .

A million books created in a year – in the US alone! What a phenomenal achievement. And we are well-positioned to manage that joy into billions of hungry hands.

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Amazon Buying Lexcycle - Owning Stanza for iPhone

Amazon's bought Lexcycle, the company that makes the Stanza e-reader for the iPhone. Stanza and Kindle are the leading ebook apps for the iPhone, so now Amazon has cornered that market without Apple having to invent an "iPod for books".
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AMG/Macrovision Acquires Assets of Muze, Inc.

The press release just came out - Muze's biggest competitor, AMG, has acquired the assets of Muze for $16.5 million in cash. What this means for staffers and programs in development is not made clear. I'll have more as I know more.
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Still bleeding

Viacom announced this morning that it was laying off about 850 people - 7% of its staff. Gawker has the deets.
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Today We Bleed

Michael Cader's had a lot to do today, issuing not one but TWO Publishers Lunches, and his news has been picked up virally and disseminated over Gawker, the New York Observer, and the Times.

As we all know by now, Markus Dohle has announced massive changes at Random House. Irwyn Applebaum is stepping down from Bantam. (His brother Stuart is still at RH.) Steve Rubin is renegotiating his position, as Doubleday is being absorbed into the mothership.

S&S has laid off 35 people. Harcourt Houghton Mifflin is also doing more bloodletting, though they refuse to comment on any of it.

Meanwhile, Hachette's giving bonuses. My head just exploded.
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Oprah to endorse Kindle?

From Teleread, via Peter Brantley's Read 2.0 listeserv:

"A Financial Times (FT) journalist believes that Oprah is likely to endorse the Kindle on her show on Friday. The front page of the Amazon store displays a teaser video featuring the talk show star; however, it is modified so that the gadget Oprah holds in her hand is hidden behind a superimposed light burst. The video ends with the injunction, "Watch the Oprah show, then order yours at Amazon.com."

Cader also adds that the side promotes a $50 off the Kindle offer.
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Microsoft bringing Live Search Books to a close

Via Peter Brantley, a link to the Microsoft Live Search blog:

Today we informed our partners that we are ending the Live Search Books and Live Search Academic projects and that both sites will be taken down next week. Books and scholarly publications will continue to be integrated into our Search results, but not through separate indexes.

This also means that we are winding down our digitization initiatives, including our library scanning and our in-copyright book programs. We recognize that this decision comes as disappointing news to our partners, the publishing and academic communities, and Live Search users....[W]e intend to provide publishers with digital copies of their scanned books. We are also removing our contractual restrictions placed on the digitized library content and making the scanning equipment available to our digitization partners and libraries to continue digitization programs.

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Amazon to buy Audible

For $300 million, Amazon will be acquiring Audible.com - Amazon issued the press release this morning at 7 a.m. This is on the heels of the departure of COO Glenn Rogers.
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Glenn Rogers leaving Audible

Glenn Rogers, COO of Audible and an incredible, reasonable, smart, kind, awesome, all-around-good-guy-mensch, is leaving the company to go back to consulting. I worked with Glenn when I was consulting at Audible and he is fantastic.

Good luck, Glenn!
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Cindy Cunningham now at OCLC

Cindy Cunningham, formerly of Amazon.com and Corbis, has joined OCLC. She'll be managing new partnerships from her office in Seattle, as well as expanding WorldCat's coverage. Hooray!
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Microsoft Wins

Microsoft is the winning suitor (Yahoo and Google being the other contenders) in the wooing of - for $240 million, MS gets a whole 1.6% stake in the company.


Reports the Times:

As part of the deal, Microsoft will sell the banner ads appearing on Facebook outside of the United States, splitting the revenue with it. Last year, Microsoft struck a deal with Facebook to run banner ads on the site in the United States through 2011.

The astronomical valuation for Facebook is evidence that Microsoft executives believed they could not afford to lose out on the deal. Google appears to be building a dominant position in the race to serve advertisements online. Fearing it might lose control over the next generation of computer users, Microsoft has been trying to match and in some cases block Google’s plans, even if that effort is costly.

“We are now stepping outside what is typically a business decision,” said Rob Enderle, the founder of the strategy concern Enderle Group. “This was almost personal. I wouldn’t want to be the executive that’s on the losing side at either firm.”


The Microsoft investment throws the value of the holdings of Facebook investors into the stratosphere. Mark Zuckerberg, the 23-year-old Facebook founder who dropped out of Harvard to build the company, owns a 20 percent share which is now valued at $3 billion. Accel Partners, the venture capital firm that invested $12.7 million in May 2005 and owns 11 percent of Facebook, now holds stock worth $1.65 billion.

Ye gods. Staggering. Just staggering.


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Dept of Holy Shit: Angus & Robertson

Michael Cader reports this morning that Angus & Robertson, the Australian book chain, has sent a letter to the publishers from which it buys its books, saying in effect that if A&R can't sell a certain number of each publisher's titles, those pubs will have to fork over cash to make up "the gap".


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Dept. of Holy Shit - Sommers leaves SirsiDynix

Library Journal reports this morning that Pat Sommers, CEO of the juggernaut SirsiDynix, has left. Apparently this happened on February 16th. No word on why Vista Equity Partners has chosen not to retain him, what his plans are for the future, or who the prospective replacements might be.
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Department of Holy Shit

The WSJ just announced that Sirius and XM Radio are merging. Mel Karmazin will be CEO of the newly-unified company. Gary Parsons will be chairman. No word on what the new name will be.

The FCC is regarding this dubiously, due to anti-trust issues. The Journal goes on to say:

But the two sides are likely to argue that the proliferation of Internet-based radio, digital music players, and new HD-radio formats creates a vigorous competitive market for such media. Indeed, in surveys, consumers rarely can differentiate between the two companies, which have spent hundreds of millions trying to appeal to them.

For some in our trade, it's reminiscent of the time B&N tried to acquire Ingram Book Group. For others, of course, the analogy to Time Warner and AOL springs to mind. Says one industry insider, "These things never end well."
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