Scroll down to view LJNDawson Presentations.
  • "E-books: Have They Finally Arrived?"
    2008 June / Book Business: Market Focus
    "With the evolution of the e-book still clearly in its formative years, developments over the past year could perhaps be remembered as a real growth spurt thanks in part to Amazon's launch of the Kindle. Reviews on the digital device were mixed, but it quickly sold out within hours of its debut on Amazon.com. Goldman Sachs has estimated that Amazon has sold as many as 50,000 of the devices in the first quarter of 2008. And Amazon has made more than 120,000 titles available for download on the device since its launch..."

  • "Striking Thirteen"
    2006 March / Library Journal
    "Libraries are not immune to the changes that ISBN-13 will bring to the book world. The clock is ticking and going to strike 13 for all of us. For the most part, everything will continue normally - that is, until a book is published with a 979-prefix ISBN-13. At that point, any deficiencies in library, book vendor, or systems software quickly will become apparent. Making a thorough inventory of where ISBNs affect your systems and workflows and partnering closely with your vendors to address the change will help ease the transition..."

  • "ISBN-13 Update: A Report From the Field"
    2005 May / Publishers Marketing Association Newsletter (PMA)
    "Three months into the 2005 "Sunrise" Initiative for ISBN-13, the Book Industry Study Group (specifically its BISAC committee, which deals with industry data standards) has put together the ISBN-13 Education and Support Project, and publishers should be using both ISBN-10s and ISBN-13s on new titles with trading partners..."

  • "RFID Ambush"
    2005 / Vox Box / Special BEA Edition
    "Talk to anybody in the book industry about RFID and you either get blank looks or dismissive ones.
    Those who do know about it regard the use of it in the book supply chain as being rather distant - and given all the other issues immediately at hand (ISBN-13, DOI, ONIX), RFID seems a relatively low priority. Meaning: no money's going to be spent on it. Meaning: no development's being assigned to it. Meaning: no resources are being gathered for it..."

  • "Virgil In The Library"
    2002 / IFLA Journal (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
    "The Internet has made information stewardship a more crucial role than ever before. If the world of information is as chaotic and unreliable as Dante's Inferno, librarians need to be the Virgils who guide consumers through it and make sense of it for everyone..."

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