LJNDawson.com, Consulting to the Book Publishing Industry
Book Publishing Industry Consultant

It must be February

The Chinese are buying things online, the fair use debate continues....Nothing new under the sun here....

The divine brings to our attention a new site, Book Catcher, which offers free PR for writers and publishers....What I can't figure out is who these folks are, where they came from, and how they support their site. If you have any info, let me know about it....

In metadata news, while Joho the Blog is peppered with comments about his Italian vacation, David Weinberger does refer us to an interesting idea here. The idea that keywords can be aggregated and almost naturally organized into taxonomies is something I've been working on for nearly a year. While a lovely hypothesis, particularly when multiple users are involved (folksonomies, wikkisonomies), it certainly isn't perfect. But I do think that a bottom-up approach is much more organic and the results do come out better. What makes me nervous is the participation of too many people in creating a taxonomy that is meaningful - eventually you run the risk of category-bleed and...as David says, "Everything is miscellaneous."

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